De Tijd Daarna - The Time There-After
Nederlands & English
Nederlands & English
Price: € 12,50 Go to: (click image)
Trailer (with English subtitles):
Koop het boek De Tijd Daarna
Prijs € 34,95 Ga naar:
Koop het boek De Tijd Daarna
Prijs € 34,95 Ga naar:
Interview with Erwin Kokkelkoren & Bert Oele:
about inspiration and The Time There-After (click image)
And read (click):
The Time There-After - De Tijd Daarna
on Dutch Television NTR
July 29 2014
Time: 15:00 and 23:40 on NPO
Trailer (with English subtitles):
The documentary The Time There-After
Is selected for screening
at the Global Village and Youth Programme
20th International AIDS
Conference AIDS2014 Melbourne, Australia 20-25
July, 2014
The Time There-After: AIDS2014 Screening July 24, 2014 Time 5:20 pm at the Global Village Screening Room, Clarendon Room C, Level 2, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center, 1 Convention Center place, South Wharf VIC Melbourne
With a introduction by Lambert Grijns, Dutch Ambassador for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights & HIV/AIDS. After the film Q & A with the makers.
Wednesday 23 July Time 4:30 – 6pm Living Positive Victoria,
Bert & Erwin will participate in a panel
“Activating Art - best practices in HIV community development and health promotion using artistic expression for social change”
A film by Willem Aerts & Erwin Kokkelkoren
A film by Willem Aerts & Erwin Kokkelkoren
Premiere Thursday, December 5th, 2013 at 21:00 at EYE, Amsterdam
The Time There-After is a triptych about life with hiv and aids in The Netherlands. This project shows how it was, how it is today, and what we wish and dream for in the future. This triptych tells a story that is important for all of us.
In the documentary The Time There-After we meet three men and two women who tell their life
stories. Together the five stories give a clear picture of how the impact of hiv differs from person to
person. A life with hiv cannot be generalized. Never. People are different, the date of infection differs
and we all have our own unique backgrounds. Being infected in the 80’s, like Erwin and Marjolein,
means you have to deal with more physical problems than those more recently infected like Celicia and
Pablo. For this reason we have focused on these 5 courageous people’s stories and not the virus.
The documentary The Time There-After is the final part of a trilogy. The exhibition, the book and
the documentary tell a story that starts with the first aids diagnosis on April 3, 1982 and
ends with those who were infected recently. The exhibition and book portray 30 men
and woman infected with hiv. Young and old, gay and straight, with different ethnic backgrounds and
from various parts of the country. Starting in 1983 we portray one person a year who was diagnosed
with hiv in that particular year.
The Time There-After shows the drama of the 80’s and the 90’s, the enormous progress we made,
life with hiv in 2013, and the dreams and tasks we have for tomorrow.
Production Les Enfants Terribles: Bert Oele
Production IDTV Docs: Carolijn Borgdorff en Jennifer Halfhide
Information: &
Stills from De Tijd Daarna - The Time There-After
Marjolein, Erwin, Celicia, Alexander and Pablo.
Les Enfants Terribles: Erwin Kokkelkoren initiator of the triptych & Bert Oele Production / Photo by Erik Smits
A film by Willem Aerts (R) director & Erwin Kokkelkoren (L) initiator of the triptych /Photo by Erik Smits
Thank you:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Roze Filmdagen | Amsterdam Gay & Lesbian Film Festival | 13-23 maart 2014
The Time There-After: AIDS2014 Screening July 24, 2014 Time 5:20 pm at the Global Village Screening Room, Clarendon Room C, Level 2, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center, 1 Convention Center place, South Wharf VIC Melbourne
Interview in
Hiv Nieuws